Monday, February 28, 2011


I have a general question I suppose....

How much contact do you have with your spouses squadron?

Do you get emails, phone calls, visits?

Do they do 'group' family get togethers?

Do you have some sort of newsletter?

Does everyone have a Key Spouse?

How many of you belong to the "Wives Clubs"? (trust me, I know- they can be good, bad, or ugly!)

I guess as a recruiter, and our squadron being SO spread out, we have none of that.  I knida hate it.  I don't know any of the other wives of the local recruiters that well, and my one true 'recrutiers wife' friend lives several hours south of us.

I've talked with squadron leadership about opening up the possibility of a way for us (recruiters families) all to keep in contact.  Someone suggested a FB group, but not everyone has facebook (I know shocking... maybe I should just say, the only person who doesn't have facebook is Pave!).  Also, I'm way to personal on facebook, and for sure don't want everyone to read all about me.  (My quote on my home page is "I want out of the Air Foce").  I just feel facebook would almost get us to connected. 

Any thoughts or suggestions would be great!


  1. How much contact do you have with your spouses squadron?

    -Very little so far but hoping that will change soon!

    Do you get emails, phone calls, visits?

    -In the past, no.

    Do they do 'group' family get togethers?

    -In the past, no.

    Do you have some sort of newsletter?

    -In the past year there has been maybe 2 newsletters sent out.

    Does everyone have a Key Spouse?

    -We did and recently I have been given this role due to the previous key spouse not doing her job.

    How many of you belong to the "Wives Clubs"?

    -There isn't one.

    It's awesome that you posted this because I'm in the process of trying to turn things around for our recruiting squadron. I'm just now taking over as key spouse but I already have a large group of people going to do some volunteer work in a couple of weeks, I've got a Facebook page for a squadron families group (but I have yet to receive the contact info from the previous key spouse so I can't get that info to anybody yet), and we've got a bowling night once a month for local families to go to. If you don't have a key spouses, you should talk to the Shirt about doing it and making some changes. Feel free to email me (treknshoot at gmail dot com) if you want to bounce any ideas off me or just commiserate with another recruiter's wife. :-)

  2. Oh I can do this......
    How much contact do you have with your spouses squadron?

    -NONE EVER!! Unless I run my mouth and get in trouble with commander.

    Do you get emails, phone calls, visits?

    -NOPE and no visits not even our office gets visits!!

    Do they do 'group' family get togethers?

    -Heck no....we are 2.5 hours away from civilization.

    Do you have some sort of newsletter?

    -Once before.....well I guess that reason is classified.

    Does everyone have a Key Spouse?

    -Nope None we don't even have a spouse contact at the squadron level.

    How many of you belong to the "Wives Clubs"?

    -Depends do 2 awesome recruiter wives fall as a club? LOL

    There's my view..I'm anonymous but guess who???

  3. How much contact do you have with your spouses squadron?


    Do you get emails, phone calls, visits?


    Do they do 'group' family get togethers?


    Do you have some sort of newsletter?

    Does everyone have a Key Spouse?

    No If there is there has been no contact.

    How many of you belong to the "Wives Clubs"?

    -There isn't one. When on real AFB bases I was always involved, now I feel even more stranded on an island then I did when I was on an island in Guam for 4 years.

  4. When we came into the AF 14 years ago, I envisioned being surrounded by other AF wives as we crafted, cooked and raised our children together. It has NEVER been like that. We usually live a way away from the base (better housing, less crime) and driving to the base for a spouse's coffee is sometimes inconvenient. THEN we had children, husband works rotating shifts and the activities will almost always fall on the nights when he's working.
    The base we're at now, the squadron spouses get together once a month and in four years, only 2 of the them fell on a time I could go.
    YOU should start something if you want that connection. Chances are, there's other wives waiting for someone to do it.

  5. I was browsing the internet and came across your site. It is truly uplifting and very helpful. I wanted to know if you could help me with some information about enlistment as your husband is a recruiter?
